Spirit Quest Sacred Journey - Dream Reflection

A couple of weeks ago, I had the most vivid and intense dream. I still cannot make sense of it, and it continues to haunt me. In some ways, the interpretation that comes to me, and what it means for my work and my life feels almost too much to barE. Am I somehow avoiding or denying a message that I very much need to hear? The dream went something like this....

I dreamed that I had brought in dozens of snakes and was trying to create habitats for them in my basement. I had apparently done this before because there was already many habitats and terrariums down there, many of which were dirty, overgrown, dilapidated- in fact, it was almost as if the entire basement was just one big overgrown jungle. Some old snakes were dead, some were thriving, some were feeding on others. As I was struggling to clean and get organized, many of the snakes- new and old- were wrapping themselves around me, latching on and attaching themselves to me. One bright pink snake wrapped itself around my hand and bit me right between my thumb and forefinger, and just stayed there. There was no pain. They were all of different shapes and sizes. The longer the snakes were attached to me, the more human-like they became, growing limbs, their faces morphing into human-like faces. This was the only part of the dream that really terrified me. Then, out of nowhere, they would suddenly deteriorate, fall off, and disintegrate immediately into bones and ashes. It was such a relief for me when this would happen, but also, I sense a deep sadness about it too!

We are doing so much healing work in this course- there's so much I could reflect on through this dream. I no longer see the serpent or snake as a threat, and yet I'm sure there's still a huge part of my psyche and the collective consciousness that sees bad, mischievous, manipulative people as snakes... It's the old mentality that's from the garden, Adam and Eve, and so on that's been ingrained in each and every one of us since childhood. In one interpretation, I see myself ridding myself of all the old patterns, habits, and people who have hurt me, stolen My life force, drained me and depleted me, and taken advantage of my kindness. when I take it away, they wither. It is a thin line. I don't want to hurt anyone but I am also done being hurt. So, as we say in cord cutting, I release them all to their own destiny. I see so many instances of purging these intrusive and depleting energies and people in my life in the last year, even distancing myself from family when it feels right to. Too many to name. I, at one point, deeply loved each and every one of these people. Over the years, they took my love, returned Nothing, drained my energy and desire for love, made me hard, shut me down, hurt me, and only came around to keep checking to see if they still had access to me. it feels too good, feeding on someone like me, not to occasionally check in making sure that they still have access to me, anD to keep dragging me along. But I've had enough and I know this is a sign that this is the right path, to preserve and heal myself.

On a much bigger and more intimidating scale, are these lost, hurting, harmful energies attracted to me because they know I'm a source of the light and the good in this world? Am I in danger? How are my boundaries? What protections do I have in place? What protections do I need to set in place? I feel gravely unprepared to do extractions and some of this other work. I do not feel capable or worthy. Why am I okay helping the living crossover with death work, but not the dead? Why do I view them as different? It feels like it's time for me to finish clearing and cleaning out the basement once and for all, stop attracting those that need me to help them heal without fair exchange, stop making myself vulnerable, and get comfortable helping both the living and the dead to move on only after I am certain I have the affinities cleared and the right boundaries in place for myself.

Since having this dream, I have in fact shifted, perhaps without even knowing the reasons why. I have stopped case studies to focus on my own healing First. I am working only with those I fully trust to give and receive in genuine and equal reciprocity. I am putting me and my family first again for the first time in a very long time. I believe at the depths of my soul that this is right. I am trying to find the right balance. I want deeply to love and trust even though I know being open to that also opens me up to have my heart broken and trust betrayed. I have to be vulnerable if I ever want to experience true love. So the boundaries of honoring myself and my intuition while also allowing the right people to get close is going to be hugely important in this work.

I had a healing session with a classmate this past week in which we worked on issues of trust, intimacy, unconditional love, versus physical love. During this session, I saw two separate images of an octopus... The first one was an octopus holding multiple shells up all around itself, hiding, protecting, shielding itself. In the second image, was the octopus laying and caring for her eggs, totally self-sacrificing (The octopus will only mate once, give everything of themself caring for their offspring, and then she dies!). These are the two extremes! I don't want to be so closed off to, well, everything, that I continue denying myself Love, connection, community, joy, and beauty in this life! But, I also don't want to be so self-sacrificing that everyone else around me succeeds to my own detriment.

Trust my intuition.

Remain protected but open.

Faith in actions not in words.

Chelsea Seigneur